Newton Corner Neighborhood Association 

Meeting Agenda:
February 8, 2024 —
7:30–8:30 PM

Here is the Zoom Link for our next meeting

Meeting ID: 892 9588 5023
Passcode: 692182

Greetings to all members of the Newton Corner Neighborhood Association! 

We are again fortunate that four of our City Councilors will be with us to discuss issues of importance to the city and, in particular, to Newton Corner. These include:

Alison Leary and John Oliver — Councilors at Large from Ward 1

Maria Scibelli Greenberg —Ward Councilor from Ward 1

Marc C. Laredo —Councilor at Large from Ward 7

Our special guest for the evening will be John Sisson, the Economic Development Director for the City of Newton. John will speak to the current state of commercial development in Newton Corner — what we have, what we lack, and how we can achieve a better balance between businesses that service the micro-economy around the Mass Pike Exit and those that meet neighborhood needs.

We will also set aside time to discuss the recent teacher strike and its results, with a particular focus on the question, “Where do we go from here?” To this end, we look forward to hearing from:

Rajeev Parlikar, Ward 1 School Committee representative;

Alison Lobron, the founder of the Parent Teacher Collaborative, will speak to what her organization feels are important next steps for Newton schools and

Christie Gibson, a resident of Hunnewell Hill who has worked as a producer in the performing arts and non-profit world, will present her thoughts on the need for Newton to pass an override to restore its city budget to 2020 levels.

Lastly, I will introduce the concept of “Asphalt Art”: The goals of Asphalt Art projects include promoting street and pedestrian safety and increasing collaboration and civic engagement at the local level. Please be prepared to suggest intersections for which you think such projects would be appropriate.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Warm regards,

Robin Boger, President

Newton Corner Neighborhood Association