Meeting Agenda:
Wednesday, February 26
7:30 PM.
Greetings, members of the Newton Corner Neighborhood Association!
Our NCNA Zoom meeting this Wednesday, 7:30 PM, will be the first in several months and we have much to cover in one hour. If you would like to attend the meeting, and are not yet a member of either the Newton Corner Neighborhood Association or the Hunnewell Hill Neighborhood Group, please email me at the address at the end of this agenda.
We will be joined at the meeting by three of our City Councilors:
Alison Leary — Ward 1 Councilor-at-Large
Maria Scibelli-Greenberg — Ward 1 Councilor and
Marc Laredo — Ward 7 Councilor-at-Large
Unfortunately, John Oliver, our other Ward 1 Councilor-at-Large, has a Zoning and Planning Committee meeting that evening.
We will also be welcoming Amy Sangiolo, our newly elected representative for the 11th Middlesex District, who has recently joined the NCNA. Welcome, Amy!
A. We will begin our meeting with Councilor reports on subjects of particular interest to NCNA members.
Councilor Leary will address safety concerns.
Councilor Scibelli-Greenberg will update us on two projects of ongoing interest:
41 Washington Street and Spears Community Garden.
Councilor Marc Laredo will review the key issues in front of the City Council and briefly explain what is happening with BERDO, aka “Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance.”
B. We will then move on to a discussion of Transportation issues, including those raised at the recent DOT meeting.
I’ll present a short history of the DOT’s program for improving the traffic situation in Newton Corner, including goals and objectives based on feedback from Newton Corner residents. We will then turn the discussion over to Councilors Leary, Scibelli-Greenberg, Laredo and Representative Sangiolo for their thoughts on the progress made so far and, in particular, if the proposed solutions meet the DOT’s stated goals and objectives.
A representative from Newton’s Department of Transportation may also join us to explain where we are regarding the implementation of the DOT’s Mid-Term Goals.
C. Our last agenda item includes several initiatives we can take to enhance the quality of life in Newton Corner.
Under the general category of “Environment Enhancement,” we have:
• Farlow Park: Keith Jones, the President of the Friends of Farlow Park, will speak to the following park needs: 1. Volunteers to clean the aerators; 2. Volunteers to manage the gardens alongside the bridge; 3. An early reminder of Newton Serves, 4. Name tags on the trees and 5. Concrete blocks with poetry inscribed on them at the entrance to the park or by the bridge. Sadly, we will not have an Artful Piano this year
• Traffic Calming with Asphalt Art: Which intersections are most in need?
• Newton Corner History Walk from Farlow Park up Franklin Street to Durant-Kendrick House.
• A community picnic!
• Painted “Barn Quilts” as a way to acknowledge our founding as a village centered on agriculture. It would also be a fun way to distinguish ourselves from other villages in Newton.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Warm regards,
Robin Boger, President
Newton Corner Neighborhood Association'