Newton Corner Neighborhood Association 

Meeting Agenda:
November 2, 2023
7:30–8:30 PM

Here is the Zoom Link for our next meeting

Meeting ID: 892 9588 5023
Passcode: 692182

Greetings to all members of the Newton Corner Neighborhood Association! 

Happy Halloween!
May your treats far outlast whatever tricks you may receive.

This meeting will be attended by our Ward 1 City Councilors Alison Leary, Maria Scibelli-Greenberg, and John Oliver. Councilor Marc Laredo, Ward 7, won’t be able to join us but will provide a statement of his position on the agenda items below.  

We have new information regarding the key agenda items discussed at our last meeting: zoning, traffic, and teacher contract negotiations.

Agenda Items:

1. Since we always like to begin with good news, Agi Sardi will open the meeting by updating us on the Tasun Community Garden at Spears Park. She will tell us who “Tasun” was, why the garden is honoring her memory, and what remains to be done before residents can begin gardening there.

2. Next, we’ll invite our Councilors to share their perspectives on Zoning reform. Which of the many proposed amendments were accepted? Which were denied? What will this mean for the community going forward? 

3. Our third item of business concerns last week’s meeting with representatives from the Department of Transportation. The purpose of the DOT study is to “identify and evaluate design concepts to improve safety, enhance multimodal accommodations and improvement operations for all users of Newton Corner, including people who walk, bike, roll, ride transit, and drive.
The four traffic study focus areas are:





The DOT meeting will be posted online soon. To access the video of the meeting and provide feedback, please use the following links:

Project Website:

Submit comments or inquiries via email:

Subject: MassDOT Project File No. 609288
Newton Corner Traffic Operations and Safety Improvements

4. Lastly, speakers will address the state of the Newton Public Schools (NPS) negotiation. What progress, if any, has been made? Why was the Mayor’s proposal, which included school funding, rejected? What alternatives exist at this point?

Speakers will also explain (and recruit participants for) a new educational outreach project called the “NPS Portrait of A Graduate.” The “Portrait” is “a collective vision that articulates our community’s aspiration for every student in Newton Public Schools.” To learn more about the process and the meetings scheduled for January and February, please visit this webpage: NPS Portrait of a Graduate. If you are interested in participating, please complete this Google Form: Community Portrait of a Graduate Design Team Interest Form.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Warm regards,

Robin Boger, President

Newton Corner Neighborhood Association